moonpools and symbols
this is where you will see all the information on moonpools- including my personal troubleshooting guide/tips, how to update your moon pools, how to add fairy magic to your moon pools to make them work as well as instructions to operate them, and what pet does what for your moon pool
What you will need:
1. moon pool
2. fairy hermit shelter
simplified moonpool information
The moon pool boosts your bonsai and other pets
Just having it out and alive will amplify the bonus provided by your breedable-bonsia.
Once it has magic you don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to.
Moon pool information
Current version: 1.81 -if you have versions 1.66 or 1.79 you will need to update.
A moon pool is a very special pool of water that has been tended by fairies, purifying it in the process and instilling it with magical power. This beautiful, crystalline water is capable of absorbing sunlight, moonlight, and starlight, and can gather the trapped power to crystallize it into pure magical energy. The energy can then be used to cast powerful rituals and enchantments that help the fairy community as a whole.
A moon pool’s overall tier affects how powerful its magic is, and how likely it is that the moon pool may create unusual, and unexpected effects. A weak moon pool may only affect a small area around it, whereas an ancient, powerful moon pool may affect the entire landscape.
The moon pool also has a separate tier for solar magic, lunar magic, and star-powered magic. Solar magic is used to create powerful rituals that last a very long time, and help the fairy community in a number of subtle ways. Star magic can be used to weave powerful enchantments that affect the fairy community dramatically, but for a shorter period of time. Lunar magic has a more immediate result, but is no less potent, often immediately healing the injured or granting them special benefices that only last a very short time.
The main threats to a moon pool are weeds, and corruption. The powerful magic of the moon pool causes all plants around it to grow with more intense life, including weeds which threaten to strangle it. The crystal-clear waters of the moon pool may also become corrupt over time, if fairies aren’t present to carefully tend the precious source of its power.
The most important part of a moon pool’s job is to amplify the bonuses given by a breedable bonsai! The higher the tier of a moon pool, the more of a bonus it will give to your bonsai trees, allowing them to exceed the +5% maximum cap for a Grand Bonsai.
Unfortunately, most of the abilities of a moon pool are fairly weak until the pool’s tier increases to at least tier five or six. Until then, the enchantments and rituals will only last a few hours at most. Later on, that same fairy magic will lasts for days, or perhaps even weeks!
The only way to enhance your moon pool’s power is to Gather energy, and Empower the moon pool, sacrificing that fairy magic to make the moon pool stronger. The moon pool only stores so much energy at a time, so it’s a good idea to check your pool on a regular basis. A fairy hermit will do all of that for you, but he only comes out of his little acorn home every few hours to check on things.
☼ is sunlight,
Ω is moonlight,
♪ is starlight.
Ⓡ is Regeneration,
Ⓦ is Warming,
Ⓛ is Longevity,
Ⓣ is Transmutation,
Ⓔ is Evolution.
ⓣ is Theurgic,
ⓜ is Morale,
ⓛ is Loyalty,
Ⓘ is Inspiration,
ⓢ is Soothing.
All of the Rituals,
Enchantments, and Litanies provided below have a strength relative to the moon pool’s tiers.
Ritual of Regeneration — Heals injured pets and
Ritual of Warming — Increases the mating speed of your pets.
Ritual of Longevity — Increases the lifespan of pets and occasionally gives away bonus mating cycles.
Ritual of Transformation — Increases the chances of mutations in pets.
Ritual of Evolution — Increases the chances of evolutions within your pets.
Theurgic Enchantment — Increases the chances of full-mutations for a few hours.
Morale Enchantment — Increases the morale of your pets!
Loyalty Enchantment — Increases the loyalty of your pets!
Inspirational Enchantment — Has an effect similar to assassins and flutter traps.
Soothing Enchantment — Increases the bonuses of pets with ‘moods’, including plants.
Litany of Hope — Increases the strength of longevity-based effects.
Litany of Dreams — Occasionally causes pets to immediately mate!
Litany of Love — Increases the strength of caretaker-based effects.
Litany of Light — Increases the strength of light-giving effects.
Litany of Change — Increases the chances of mutation-giving effects.
Litany of Power — Increases the strength of energy-giving effects.
Litany of Growth — Accelerates the growth speed and reproduction of plants.
Litany of Purity — Weeds and tends your garden, as well as helps to keep the moon pool clean.
Litany of Gathering — Accelerates the rate at which the moon pool gains energy.
Litany of flames — accelerates the power of your embers
M a g i c
Rituals (☼)
Energy Source: Sunlight (☼)
Type: Timed (based on tier)
ⒺEvolution -Increases evolution chances
ⓁLongevity -Increases lifespans, occasionally gives away mating cycles
ⓇRegeneration -Heals injured pets
ⓉTransformation -Increases mutation chances
ⓌWarming -Increases mating speed
Enchantments (Ω)
Symbols: lowercase
Energy Source: Moonlight (Ω)
Type: Timed (based on tier)
ⒾInspirational -Has an effect similar to assassins and flutter traps
ⓛLoyalty- Increases the loyalty
ⓜMorale -Increases morale
ⓢSoothing -Increases bonuses of pets (and plants) with 'moods'
ⓣTheurgic -Increases chances of full-mutations for a few hours
Spells (♪)
Energy Source: Starlight (♪)
Type: One-Time Boost
Bliss -Waves of energy roll over your garden, filling it with love and hope.
Feast -Your pets feast on fairy food and distilled moonlight [F+x Moonlight].
Healing -Magical healing energy rolls over your garden [+x life].
T E C H N I C A L – I N F O R M A T I O N
Tier 1 — “Tiny Mana Spring”
Tier 2 — “Small Mana Spring”
Tier 3 — “Mana Spring”
Tier 4 — “Mana Fountain”
Tier 5 — “Minor Fairy Pool”
Tier 6 — “Lesser Fairy Pool”
Tier 7 — “Fairy Pool”
Tier 8 — “Greater Fairy Pool”
Tier 9 — “Major Fairy Pool”,
Tier 10 — “Enchanted Fairy Spring”
Tier 11 — “Enchanted Fairy Pool”
Tier 12 — “Enchanted Fairy Pond”
Tier 13+ — “Grand Fairy Moon Pool”
Range of each tier
Tier-1, Whisper Range (10 meter burst)
Tier-2 through Tier 5, Say Range (20 meter burst)
Tier-6 through Tier 9, Shout Range (100 meter burst)
Tier-10+, Regional (Full-Sim burst)
Each point of sunlight, starlight, and moonlight requires 250.0 collected energy in the respective fields. Each ritual, enchantment, and spell requires a point of gathered sunlight, moonlight, or starlight.
If you already have a tree (omni tree), the moon pool won’t help you until it is tier-5 or higher. Some special contest/raffle trees even operate at tier-9 or tier-12. The effect of each of the enchantments and rituals is based on the moon pool’s overall tier, plus one, so a tier-5 moon pool is operating at a tier-6 accessory value.
An enchantment or ritual’s duration is based on the level of sunlight or starlight that was used to create the ritual or enchantment. The durations begin fairly low (half an hour or so) and gradually increase over time as tier raises, until each casting is lasting several days.
These have been placed in the moon pool as a placeholder until the fully breedable Whats are released. Their tail size increases based on the pet’s size ranging from Dwarf all the way up to Mondo just like the other pets. When orbit-mode is enabled on them they zip around and try to chase their own tails =)
In order to get one of these ornamental Whats, you just have to gather energy and empower your moon pools just like you’ve been doing. At some point in this progress (it’s a random chance as the moon pool gains power), a little () will appear at the end of the moon pool’s hovertext. This means that the moon pool has gathered enough energy to create a What! A new menu option will appear, “What!?”, when you click the moon pool. Using this option will discharge the energy and pop out a little gem containing an ornamental What that you can birth as usual!
How To Use Your Moon Pools
Step #1: Rez the moon pool.
Step #2: Rez ‘{Papillon} Purified Fairy Magic’ (rez only 1 at a time or there is a strong possibility your other purified magics will disappear with the first one)
Step #3: Click the Purified Fairy Magic — this will get the magic ready to pour.
Step #4: Click your moon pool — this will pour the magic into the pool.
Step #5: The fairy magic will bring the moon pool to life.
You’re done. Click the moon pool from time to time if you want to interact with it.
Use the ‘Gather’ blue menu option to harvest all available magic. (Requires 250.0 light of one type)
Use ‘the ‘Magic’ blue menu option to cast rituals and enchantments if need be.
Use the ‘Empower’ blue menu option to use all left-over magic to increase the power of your moon pool.
Tip #1: Gather and Empower it as often as possible to make the pool more powerful.
Tip #2: More powerful pools have more powerful magic that lasts longer.
Tip #3: The pool can only hold so much magic at a time before it needs to be gathered.
Tip #4: The amount of magic that it can hold increases with its tier.
A Fairy Hermit will Gather magic for you every so often so that you don’t lose as much when you can’t be around. It won’t use the gathered magic or empower your pool, but the points will be saved for when you can get around to doing it yourself.
There is also a crudely-worked HUD that lets you more quickly cast several rituals and enchantments. Wear the HUD, click the pool that you want to interact with, and click the various magic symbols to activate the various rituals and enchantments.
TIP#5 If you notice after you empower your moonpool the numbers go to [0] then you start to see it gathering slower in any of the ☼ sunlight,Ω moonlight, ♪ starlight sections- its because of the relative time of day in second life
(lishajoya/huntress will make a hud for this at a later date for the community)
tip#6 The most important part of a moon pool's job is to amplify the bonuses given by a breedable bonsai! The higher the tier of a moon pool, the more of a bonus it will give to your bonsai trees, allowing them to exceed the +5% maximum cap for a Grand Bonsai.
Tip#7 The moon pool slightly increases the bonsai bonus that v17 pets (butterflies) receive
Tip#8 there is no hud
Tip#9 The bonsai bonus is given to the v17 pets, not the bonsai tree itself
TIP#10 Unfortunately, most of the abilities of a moon pool are fairly weak until the pool's tier increases to at least tier five or six. Until then, the enchantments and rituals will only last a few hours at most. Later on, that same fairy magic will lasts for days, or perhaps even weeks!
TIP#11 The only way to enhance your moon pool's power is to Gather energy, and Empower the moon pool, sacrificing that fairy magic to make the moon pool stronger. The moon pool only stores so much energy at a time, so it's a good idea to check your pool on a regular basis. A fairy hermit will do all of that for you, but he only comes out of his little acorn home every few hours to check on things.
troubleshooting your moonpool
This is the trouble shooting guide to help you if you have any problems with your moonpool. note: these are LishaJoya's personal tips
Moon pool is not gathering any points or is stuck at the same point value
You forgot to add a fairy hermit shelter or you accidently took it back to inventory (ive done this)
You forgot to set your litany to GATHERING
menu is taking a long time to pop up
you are experiencing a lot of lag in your sim- so try to take some of the laggy items out of your sim. If your active scripts in a regular (full prim sim) is 15,000 and higher you will have laggy menu response time. If you are in a homestead make sure your active scripts do not go above 5,000 or you will also have a laggy response time
How to enhance your moonpool
Fairies and wisp help escalate the power of your moonpool, place the below mentioned fairies and wisp around your moonpool (Do not turn mate on them)
these are the essential classes that need to be near your moonpool, either/or Fairy or wisp.
Fairies :-
Brownies:- act like Paladin, Priest and Worker.
Pixies :- act like Bards and Dreamers.
Meliai :- act like Alchemist and Mystic (very powerful)
Beanshe:- act like Caretakers and Godparents.
Shee:- act like Princes and Princesses, and hold great power if they manage to become a Saint.
Sidhe :- rule the court of the day
Leshay :- rule over the court of the night
Wisp :-
Culler / Paladin
Seeker / Saint
Beacon / Conjurer
Dazzler / Illusionist
Starling / Assassin
Luminary / Mystic
Guardian / Enchanter
Enchanters (fey) can create magical light (sparking motes of light) and energy (energy pools) for wisps and plants while also enchanting pets around them are similarly to dreamers.
Shardseeker : - Enhance wisp energy crystallization
Nightstalker :- Generates moonlight for moonpool and purifies them.
Luckbinder :- Burst of Moral and Loyalty
Daystrider : Generates Sunlight for moonpool and purifies them.
Dreamcrafter :- Act like dreamer
Hopfinder :- Generate longevity
Windseeker :- Enhance Mutation
As we Explain the Litany of the moonpool and what does it do, here is why this classes help
Litany of Hope :- Increases the strength of longevity-based effects. (To increase its magic you need classes that represent this litany )
Hopfinder on wisp :- Generate longevity
Litany of Dreams -- Occasionally causes pets to immediately mate!
Pixies (fey) :- act like Bards and Dreamers.
Dreamcrafter (wisp) :- Act like dreamer
Litany of Love -- Increases the strength of caretaker-based effects.
Beanshe (fey):- act like Caretakers and Godparents.
Saint (wisp) : Act like Godparents
Litany of Light -- Increases the strength of light-giving effects
Daystrider (wisp) : Generates Sunlight for moonpool and purifies them.
Nightstalker :- Generates moonlight for moonpool and purifies them
Enchanters (fey) can create magical light
sidhe (fey) :- rule the court of the day
Leshay (fey) :- rule over the court of the night
Litany of Change -- Increases the chances of mutation-giving effects.
Meliai (fey):- act like Alchemist and Mystic (very powerful)
Windseeker (wisp):- Enhance Mutation
Litany of Power -- Increases the strength of e (snailnergy-giving effects.
Shee (fey): - act like Princes and Princesses, and hold great power if they manage to become a Saint.
Luckbinder (wisp) :- Burst of Moral and Loyalty
Elemental (snails & wisp) -
magi (snail & wisps) -
Litany of flames -
Litany of Growth - Litany of Purity - Litany of Gathering
are empowered by all the above.
energy source tier
Breedable bonsais provide a bonsai bonus to v17 (AND ABOVE) pets. The moon pool increases this bonus by 0.25% per tier.
The standard bonus (without the moon pool) is as follows:
how to update your moon pool
Step #1: Rez a new, empty moon pool.(acquired for free from the main store)
Step #2: Click the new moon pool and choose 'Drain'
Step #3: Click your old, already activated moon pool.
And you're done! =)
The magic will pour out of the old pool and into a new one.