I am pleased to announce that a lot of new things have been added to this site. There's a few data charts as well as the photo gallery for the effects there's the gallery and a data chart for the effects and soon it's going to be the unlock chains so you can know what unlocked what.
I'm also going to be working on the effects page and I am torn to do it by each breedable type so that's going to be a lot of work, or if I do a basic photo gallery and just pick one different type of papillon to do the effect for. I understand that affects lay differently on a Shell versus a wisp versus a rose. So this is one of the reasons why I am torn in giving the effects separately or not.
I have also updated the latest updates so you guys can see the latest versions for each readable type. I also know there's two or three versions that do the same thing and the issues with some versions and we're just waiting for miss butterfly to come back online to fix these.
There's also other things added to this site recently to go on and take a little poke around and see what I've added.
Thank you for bearing with me in the slow way I've been working on this site you all know I'm doing this alone and I'm working a lot of hours in the real world. So thank you for understanding.
I will be eventually plugging away at the photo gallery for each breedable type. So keep coming back and seeing what I've added.
I will update you all in the papillon group chat but also I have my own papillon library group as well see you guys can see what's going on before anybody else does so feel free to look at my profile in world and see what group that is. This group is not only to discuss what's being added on to the side but it's to talk about papillon in general as well as hopes for your garden help with each other another community group chat for papillon.
I also have a papillon only group for advertisements so feel free to add yourself to that to find it that's in my group in my profile so feel free to add yourself there.
Thank you guys for your love and support and please use my website well and I hope it helps you in your gardening.